?> About – Extend.Today

Our Mission

Our mission is to create a house extension design platform flexible enough to encourage design exploration without impacting time and cost of design change. The platform is more than just a design tool, it stretches across several architectural design stages – from initial concept to detailed technical design and tender.

We feel the current market has unnecessary hurdles to achieve an otherwise simple requirement which can otherwise incur additional cost and timeto the Client to achieve it. Our product and output is there to benefit both Client, Designer and Contractor to getting to site faster whilst maintaining a good quality set of technical drawings to get there. We envisage this impacting home builds nationwide, particularly in recent climates where more focus on maximising the residential home is being applied by the simple introduction of extending..

The Team

Our Team consists of skilled professionals with key experience in the residential sector. With a range of experience creating and facilitating projects to completion, we understand the critical importance of speed and quality. With over 15 years of experience, we look to emerge in the market as the next step in Permitted Development, with some of the highest quality drawing packages readily available within minutes, not weeks.

Ryan Pritchard

Head of Operations

Tsvetan Hristov

Head of Computational Design